10 Unusual Items Banned From Import Around The World

While some import bans make a whole lot of sense, like guns or dangerous weapons, other bans around the world can be somewhat bizarre. We’ve searched high and low across the globe to find some of the most unexpected, if not strangest rules for sending things abroad. From Borat’s super stylish mankini to fancy dress masks, here are some of our favourite illegal imports.

10 ‘Dude’ where’s my Mountain Dew?

Mountain Dew

The US version of Mountain Dew is banned in Europe and Japan. Mountain Dew and other citrus flavoured sodas in the US contain BVO or Brominated Vegetable Oil. Though BVO was first used as a flame retardant, it is added to 10% of American sodas. Overexposure to bromine can cause skin lesions, memory loss and nerve disorders. So, you better think twice before you send this drink abroad.

9 Musical cards

Musical Cards

Musical cards, ya know those wonderful ones that play a tinny tune when they are opened, are banned from import in Saudi Arabia. Music classes are strictly controlled while malls and other stores do not play music to avoid offending religious customers. The country has also banned loud instruments like car horns as well. Frankly, we hate musical cards so no complaints there.

8 Chewing Gum

photo: Andreas Keck [CC BY-ND 2.0 DE] via fotocommunity.de
It’s a bit of a sticky subject, but the chewing of gum is strictly prohibited in Singapore since 1991. This means it cannot be sold or imported. Gum can be bought from a doctor with a prescription for therapeutic purposes only. And anyone caught for spitting gum faces a hefty fine. Chew on that.

7 Puffer Fish

Puffer Fish

While puffer fish can be eaten at many restaurants worldwide, it is strictly banned in the EU. The puffer fish or fugu is eaten in Japan, but it contains toxic organs which can lead to asphyxiation or death. Remember that Simpsons’ episode when Homer eats in a Japanese restaurant to be told he only has 22 hours to live? While it is a fictitious plot, it highlights the dangers. It must be damn tasty for all that risk…

6 No Second Helpings of Haggis

Since 1971, haggis has been prohibited from import in the US. Sheep’s lungs, a key ingredient of haggis is banned by America’s food standards agency. Haggis is made of sheep’s liver, lungs, heart, oatmeal, onion and seasoning. While the US has finally lifted a ban on Scottish beef from the 1990s, Haggis is still prohibited.

5 Why Borat Can’t Go Home


Sacha Baron Cohen’s film Borat is banned from import to Kazakhstan. Though the film was never released, a few Amazon copies have snuck past officials. The film is also banned in Russian and most Arabic-speaking countries, except Lebanon. You won’t be brushing up on your cultural learnings with Borat anytime soon in these countries.

4 Lightbulbs

Lightbulbs banned in Australia

You know that lightbulb moment you get when you have a bright idea? Kind of hard to have with the new energy efficient lightbulbs that save up to 75% in energy. Incandescent lightbulbs are banned in the “down under” after Australia passed a law in 2007. Similarly, Cuba banned all import of the lightbulbs in 2005.

3 Second-hand Mattresse

Canada banned second-hand mattresses

Canada has banned used or second-hand mattresses. Old mattresses are not allowed in the country unless the item has a certificate to verify it has been cleaned and fumigated in the country of export. Bedbugs and fire safety concerns were behind the decision.

2 Goods Made in Prison

Prison cells

Any goods manufactured or produced wholly or partially by prison labour are banned from entering Canada. This includes bicycles, rubbish bags, leather goods and products. Quite what our Canadian cousins have against things made by inmates, we believe in rehabilitation.

1 Fancy Dress Masks

Masks banned in Saudi Arabia

Masks cannot be sent to Saudi Arabia. In 2013, Guy Fawkes’ masks were banned following the movie V for Vendetta. The mask became a popular way from protesters to protest and retain their anonymity. Children’s parties and masked balls have a hard time.
While us normal folks wouldn’t imagine most of this, and can have a decent chuckle at some very strange rules, it gets a little more serious if you are actually wanting to send things like this abroad. A quick example not mentioned above – wheelbarrows are banned in Nigeria, and you can’t send a Kinder egg to a kid in the States! It’s a strange world

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